
1) The Big Harry Ass Goals Post

 If you want to go after something make sure to write it down, then plan your first step and start, plan your second step while you are on step one. Never lose momentum, never lose the drive, track your progress, and make your goals a reality. This is the most nerve-wracking part, declaring your goals, you are ready to lay them out there on the line, make it known to the world, and are about to get after a scary-ass challenge. This first post will be short as this is my declaration post of what I want to do with the rest of my life on a personal level. I will have to contend with the obstacles of a day job and the challenges of running a family with a working wife and 2 very active children. When done right with the right attitude, anything can be possible. So here are the 2 BHAG's that I have chosen to take on: Run the Cocadona 250 but the time I am 50, I am 44 now turning 45 in October and don't have a big running history behind me. Build a brand out of UncommonKory, it is wh
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